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          Home / News
          CNCDC?Worked out the Plan for?Second Half of Year
          date: 2021- 07- 30  

          CNCDC worked out the Plan for the Second Half of the Year following China Coal Group’s Economic Analysis Meeting for the First Half of the Year. We will actively explore the new form of renewable energy and comprehensive energy service which is integrated into the Group's renewable energy strategy. First, focus on the market and strive for an excellent start to “the 14th Five Year Plan”. We enhance the internal and external market by making full efforts to promote demonstration projects in intelligent coal mines of Dahaize and Liuzhuang as well as Turkish Coal Mines with EPC+F format and do our best to organize the 19th China Coal and Mining Expo successfully. Second, continue to carry out the high-quality reform of CNCDC following the Group’s “the 14th Five-Year Plan". Third, strive to improve the quality and efficiency of work and continue to improve the effectiveness of corporate governance. CNCDC will enhance digital management ability and build information platform, focused on reducing the cost, increasing the efficiency and improving the accounts receivable management, and upgrading staff development. Fourth, always stick to the principle of the bottom line and strengthen the risk management, specifically avoiding safety risks at work places. Fifth, continuously improve the quality of party work.

          All Rights Reserved :China National Coal Development Co., Ltd.

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